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  • Writer's pictureJodi Samuels

My Very Hectic Life

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

OK, you all know my life is hectic. It’s not a normal life; Gavin keeps reminding me that on my planet things are different.

Last week on Jodi’s planet:

I hosted a Friendship Circle event for moms with special needs children.

I ran a Metroimma Mommy Meet Up (

I attended an amazing and inspiring special needs conference.

I had a minor surgical procedure.

I answered over 2,000 emails in seven days, according to Xobni my inbox program.

I hosted eight people to sleep over for Shabbat, and fed 80 guests for the meals. Our guests finally departed after Havdallah….but no rest for the wicked. I had my BIG TO DO LIST for this week.

Here is a sneak preview into the life of Jodi:

Jodi the Mom: Homework, housework, play dates, Caily’s CPSE evaluation, therapist schedules, school visits and, of course, bedtime cuddles.

Jodi the Wife: Gav and I go out every night, to JICNY events, classes, the theatre, and surprise parties. I make it my businesses to know what is going on and we live it up in the city. Once a week, we have date night, just the two of us.

Jodi the special needs advocate: My job is to make Caily’s world a better place and I am always building her fan base on We are launching a new site, and planning more community forums to keep educating, maintaining dialogue and engaging the media.

Jodi the founder of JICNY: 10,000 people attended events last year, 1,000 people enjoy Shabbat in my home each year, we organize 200 events a year and I am at almost all of them.

Jodi the President of MetroImma: My dream was to combine my passion for networking and event planning with my online marketing experience. It’s a successful site that’s continuously growing and, yes, introduces more events in my life.

Jodi the forever entrepreneur : We are launching – a site for seriously surprising deals everyday on stuff that Jews love. The Groupon for the Jewish market. Who pays retail anyway? Hopefully, no-one in Jodi’s world once we launch! So lookout for our November debut and don’t miss out on a real deal.

Metroimmas, who else has a crazy life? Share your stories…

Originally posted: October 27, 2010


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