When Caila was younger, she was sent home for “giving the finger” to her teacher. She of course knew she was in trouble and came up with an elaborate excuse of how she fell and hurt her fingers and she was not actually using a curse finger to her teacher but asking a question.
Her attempt at getting out of the situation failed and we told her if you use bathroom words then you do bathroom chores around the house including cleaning toilets and cleaning the dog’s pad for a week. Caila’s face burst into a big smile and she said, “Good, I love cleaning toilets”.
This week’s Torah portion is called Tetzaveh and describes the magnificent priestly garments which the Kohanim wore as they did their holy work. Even when they removed the ashes from the altar – a seemingly menial task – the Kohanim wore special clothes.
Caila is turning 16 on Sunday. This special young lady is incredibly tenacious, caring and empathetic. She has many challenges in life that she does not give up on. To me her most enduring quality is that Caila simply sees the world with purity of mind and heart. Like the Kohanim nothing is below her and she is always dressed in the holy garments of her world which is unconditional love and acceptance.
Caila, our blessing to you, is that your goodness and love may always shine brightly in the world and keep teaching us to be better people.
Shabbat shalom