You may have heard our exciting news… The Samuels family is moving to Israel. Gavin has accepted an offer to work there for the year. We are moving this week so the kids can maximize the school year.

This has all happened very suddenly as we only found out on Sept 19th that we would be able to go so soon. This is fitting though, as it is typical “Jodi Style” … 23 years of talking about living in Israel, spending entire summers in Israel and then deciding to move to Israel within a month of returning. We also have to thank our not so friendly Arab neighbors who inspired this move. Despite the daily sound show (exploding missiles) and light show (flying missiles) they provided over the summer, being there during that period made us realize how important Israel is to us personally and the entire Jewish nation. Gavin and I met in Israel 23 years ago and have always spoken about living there one day. This is our opportunity to try it out and to see if we can make our dream of Aliya match our dream for inclusion.
We arrived in NY 14 years ago, 3 weeks before Rosh Hashana. I was asked by a friend who knew us from Australia to host a Rosh Hashana meal for foreign MBA students at Columbia. We had 36 people attend I had the realization that there was a need to create a community for foreign Jews living in NY. Soon after, we met and partnered with the amazing and dynamic Steve Eisenberg and as they say the rest is history. Last year JICNY had over 10, 000 people attend 223 events from 42 countries. I recall my 1st week in NY when I called a doctor office and they asked for my zip code and I had no idea what it was. I lay crumpled in a heap on the floor sobbing as I realized I had given up so much in Australia and I was starting new – so new that I did not even know my zip code. What a journey and as terrified as I am of leaving my comfort zone I am sure this will be a great opportunity.
My daily prayers now include a pleas to Hashem to help my eyes see life from a new perspective. I look forward to sharing my stories about life in Israel
Wishing everyone a shana tova
Originally published: October 4, 2014
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