Life is always a whirlwind for me. Here is a sample of a snapshot of Jodi Inc: I have been away for 19 days since Jan 1st; 3 out of 4 Shabbats I have over 80 people in my home. Two weeks ago, I was a way for 8 days and arrived back home on Friday morning after flight delays to a weekend that included Shabbat dinner, Shabbat lunch, a special needs forum and Caily’s birthday.
This past week was a yet another crazy week. On Friday March 2nd, we organized a Shabbat Across America program. We set up 170 people at families for meals and then had a group dessert reception. Saturday, I had 40 people for a couples Shabbat lunch. Immediately after Shabbat we left for AIPAC in DC. AIPAC is amazing and informative. For me I was on double duty constantly on computer and blackberry. In each free moment I was in meetings or conference calls. 4am Tuesday I caught the train back to NY so I could run my 8am networking meeting. From there I went to 3 meetings and home to kids, home work and then off to JICNY speed networking. That was Tuesday. Wednesday we had Megilla reading and a purim party for 80 in our home and Thursday we hosted as seuda for 40 and attended 3 other purim seudot. Friday night was a South African Shabbat dinner and Saturday was finally a day off. I drank too much red wine and got the worst migraine!!!
So that’s a taste of my life. But there is so much more to Jodi Inc. The world sees an organized and composed Jodi. Gavin and my kids know the behind the scenes Jodi.
I am always running late. I am always trying to squeeze in a few more emails etc. So, I am always running out the house. I literally run to pick up at school, run to the subway, run to events. Makeup is always applied on the subway or taxi. A few days ago I was walking with Caily and we saw a group of runners in running gear. As I always try to prompt Caily’s speech I asked her why they were running and hoping she would say for exercise she responded “they are running because they are late”
I answer emails in 5 min. Once my phone died and I had to call my assistant and Gavin and assure them I was still alive even if not responding to email. My emails are notoriously short with one word answers. I also hate the phone and the best way to reach me is by email.
This really shocks people. After running so many events I am still so nervous. Before each dinner I fidget and need 3 glasses of wine before I can talk in public!
I am also very last minute. I run so many events and my way of coping is I plan for event number 2 only after event number 1 is complete. This means every event is a last minute rush. While I don’t stress as I know I can pull it off I see everyone else’s nervous looks. When I have an event in my home that starts at 7 you will suddenly see frantic activity at 6pm….
And the monkeys! Gavin has a theory that I have The Council of Monkeys in my head – a group of monkeys constantly chattering and all at the same time. He has even given each monkey a name including Sister Mary the Guilt Monkey, Intrepid Monkey the Traveler, Princess Moneky who wants it all and Passion Monkey who wants to change the world. Only challenge is is listening to them all chat at once!
Many of you read my blog on sucker thing. Yes, this supermom still has her childhood blankie! I guess in spite of supermom status I am just a normal person with quirks and fears and weaknesses
Metroimma’s share stories from your world!
Originally published: March 11, 2012