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A Mother's Blessing

Jodi Samuels

My son Meron is, G-d willing, getting married on Sunday. I admit that I am still a little shell-shocked as I enter this stage of life. Last night, while at dinner with friends and family from out of town, everybody toasting Meron, the waitress wished him Mazal Tov for his Bar Mitzvah! When I think of this young man with his innocent face, I think of his future. Like all parents, I want our children to be happy!

This week I had an opportunity to visit "Mearat Hamachpela" (the Cave of the Patriarchs) in Hevron - the resting place of the forefathers and foremothers of the Jewish people: Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob, and Leah (Rachel's Tomb is located outside of Bethlehem). It’s a powerful place to pray, physically close to our forefathers and foremothers. I went off to pray with all my heart and soul for the young couple. Of course, I included in my prayers for them to be happy for all of their days until 120.

As we all know, life comes with its challenges. We may experience spiritual struggles, physical pain, heartbreak, and even tragedy, G-d forbid. Yet, the Mishnah teaches us that we are obligated to bless HaShem for the bad just as we bless Him for the good. This is easier said than done; how do we do this?

I read an article about being happy called “Happiness is Homemade” that compares us all to “Master Chefs”, mixing components to create a happy home.

In this week's Torah portion Ki Tavo, it is written three times that the key to experiencing real joy in life is through gratitude and the cultivation of a good heart. We often see that the happiest people are grateful for what they have and are active givers, willing to share their blessings.

Among my many blessings to the new couple is for them to realize they are the Master Chefs for their life together, always living with an “Attitude of Gratitude.”

Shabbat Shalom & Mazal Tov!


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